in a perfect world, Agile software development teams would work side-by-side. But in the real world, this is not always possible. Outsourcing is one way to quickly add new technical talent, but qua … Read More

Building the UI / UX design for the application of Umrah, which is an application that was developed due to the conditions of Corona. The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia built this application to organize the process of issuing permits to enter the Great Mosque and the Civil Mosque, and therefore to avoid infection from the repercussions of Corona disease
Technologies used
- Angular
- Microsoft SQL
- .net Core
- XD adobe
- azure Microsoft
- IOS swift
- java android
Project Name
Etamarna Application
Ministry of Hajj and Umrah
Services type
Web Portal, Mobile Application
Project duration
2 Months
Started from
Project Status
The project has been completed.